1 ENOCH Translated by: Robert H. Charles 1912


The book of 1Enoch is now being read more today than ever before. During the excavation of the Dead Sea Scrolls, a book called 1Enoch was discovered, Enoch a Ethiopian, Noah’s Great Grandfather.

(*NOTE: this not the Enoch who was in the line of Cain. / False Enoch copies are 2 and 3 Enoch, written centuries later and do not fit nor follow the Bible. They are also plagued by diverse traditions of manuscript variations.)

A short section of 1Enoch (1:9) is cited in the New Testament, Epistle of Jude, Jude 1:14–15, and is attributed there to "Enoch the Seventh from Adam. It is not part of the biblical canon used by Jews, apart from Beta Israel (Ethiopian Jews).

1Enoch: Its oldest sections are considered to have been written as early as 300 B.C., but the only complete manuscript we have available is an Ethiopic translation from 400-500 A.D. The book is 100% authentic as to when it was written, what most question is if it was also inspired by God. The Jews never accepted it as part of their canon. It was never accepted in full into the Jewish Bible. The Bible gives us exactly what we need to know for our salvation, the other books can be studied and read but are not inspired, that doesn’t mean they do not hold Biblical information however.

Why did the church in Alexandria, and eventually the Coptic church, including the Ethiopian and the Egyptian churches, accept 1Enoch? This is not clear, but we know from the evidence that the early church began to use the OT Apocrypha and other books, such as 1Enoch, as early as the second century. Why Alexandria in particular used 1Enoch more than the churches in Antioch, Constantinople and Rome is not clear, but we can speculate that they had more interest in eschatology (the study of end times) and Apocalyptic literature in general. We know that Origen was open to fairly speculative theology and that Alexandria was the center of allegorical interpretation. To my knowledge, there are no messianic prophecies in the book which were later fulfilled, but possibly this is due to it prophesying the last days. I read the book and find it extremely interesting and so I share it with you here.

“It was also about these men that Enoch, in the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied, saying, "Behold, the Lord came with many thousands of His holy ones, to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have done in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.” - Jude 1:14-15 (NASB)

It is notable that Jude's quotation from Enoch was the chief reason for the Book of Jude's rejection from the canon of the Bible for a number of years. However, by the 4th century A.D., Jude's letter had been fully accepted by the entire church.

“Enoch lived sixty-five years, and became the father of Methuselah. Then Enoch walked with God three hundred years after he became the father of Methuselah, and he had other sons and daughters. So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years.” - Genesis 5:21-23 (NASB)

Notice that verse 22 says, "after he begot Methuselah, then Enoch walked with God" —this turn in his life was a result of faith, and since faith always requires a word from God to rest upon, it confirms the idea that Enoch was given a revelation of a coming judgement, which changed his life. The name Methuselah means: "his death shall bring."

The text says that Enoch only lived 365 years, compared to the much longer time spans of those around him, reaching as high as Adam's 930 years and Jared's 962 (Methuseah's record was 969). Whether these ages are literal or symbolic, Enoch was on earth for only a short time because, as the text says: 

“Hanokh (Enoch) walked with God, and then he wasn’t there, because God took him.” - Genesis 5:24 (CJB)

“By trusting, Hanokh (Enoch) was taken away from this life without seeing death — “He was not to be found, because God took him away” — for he has been attested as having been, prior to being taken away, well pleasing to God. 6 And without trusting, it is impossible to be well pleasing to God, because whoever approaches him must trust that he does exist and that he becomes a Rewarder to those who seek him out.” - Hebrews 11:5,6 (CJB)

Enoch is also mentioned in Jude where he is quoted as a righteous man condemning the wicked of his generation. The biblical passages about Enoch paint a picture of a righteous man, in holy communion with God, during a time of great evil before the Flood, who prophesied judgment upon evildoers, and as a result of his God pleasing faith, was taken by God before he could see or experience death. To “walk with God” means to make a relationship with God part of your everyday lifestyle, to honor God with your choices in every aspect of life.

Some bible translations say Enoch was “taken up”, but the Complete Jewish Bible is telling us instead “taken away”. When we see the word up we usually think Ok heaven and earth is below. BUT - no scriptures says that anyone is going to heaven except the one who came down from heaven, and that is Yeshua (Jesus). The dead are all in Sheol (most call hell) the common grave, conscious of nothing, sleeping, and waiting for the resurrection upon the earth, the restored earth which is also called paradise (not heaven) in the Bible. [Many call paradise heaven, not what the Bible says, paradise is the restored earth made new again, the place Yeshua will reign as King for his millennial 1000 year reign.]

Many believe this all means that Enoch did not ever die, however, we know from scripture that all from Adam die an earthly death and all are born sinners. In the case of Enoch he was very much pleased by God. Therefore God took him. Lets look closely at the word “took him”. The one, God, who creates and gives life is the only one who can take life away. Therefore this scripture is telling us God took the life of Enoch before he could see or face death. Which means Enoch never saw death with his own eyes and did not experience death, he was instead taken. So therefore he felt no pain and knew nothing of death, his life was taken so that death he could not encounter. Therefore he never saw death. Think about it, if God takes your life all of a sudden, then you never saw or faced death.

Other References to Learn about 1Enoch and how it also helps complete much of the book of Genesis.

Lets take a giant step back in history to Ethiopia in Africa and research where some of the early Christian roots began.

Many believe that the book of 1Enoch was set for our generation and that is why its word is spreading so quickly now.

Habakkuk 2:3; “For the vision is yet for the appointed [future] time It hurries toward the goal [of fulfillment]; it will not fail. Even though it delays, wait [patiently] for it, Because it will certainly come; it will not delay.

There are scriptures in our Bible where the same parts of the book of 1Enoch are exactly quoted. (Learn More)

1Enoch is also a reference for helping to compete many of the historical events within the Bible. It opens us to the rest of the story. If every single event that occurred in Jesus time was recored in our Bibles it would be huge! The Bible gives us all we need to know. Then if we search further we see how God designed and provided all the knowledge. No human man could do this alone, its impossible. We see clearly how all of this was done by God who directed man using his Holy Spirit. Everything fits in perfect order and within a prophetic timeline no matter which way its looked at. 

Enoch was the Great Grandfather of Noah 7th Great Grandson to Seth; a blessed bloodline. [This is not the Enoch son of Cain in scripture (Genesis 4:17) who was born from the cursed Cain bloodline; which also began the false Enochian Magic.] The Book of 1Enoch reads in chapter 68:1

"And after that my grandfather Enoch gave me all the secrets in the book and in the parables which had been given to him, and he put them together for me in the words of the book of the parables."

This makes it possible for the Book to have survived the flood as its not too hard to accept that Noah would have taken his Great Grandfathers writings with him onto the ark.

1Enoch was widely known and read the ‘first three centuries’ after Christ. 1Enoch and many other books became discredited after the Council of Laodicea. After being banned under the authorities it gradually passed out of circulation. However the books seem to possibly be meant for our generation, so in the timeline of things to occur this is not surprising at all. It is widely available today after being concealed for over a millennia.

"The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewith he blessed the elect and righteous, who will be living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and godless are to be removed. And he took up his parable and said Enoch a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, saw the vision of the Holy One in the heavens, which the angels showed me, and from them I heard everything, and from them I understood as I saw, but not for this generation, but for a remote one which is for to come." - (Enoch 1:1-3)

We do know that God lets our eyes be opened to more only when we are ready to accept the answers. God also always has all events happen in a timely due manner for the outcome that he has set forth to occur. 

1Enoch reveals God as righteous and just, the Creator of the world, the holy lawgiver, the dispenser of history and ultimate judge of all. The First Book of Enoch revolves around the theme of the last judgment, the coming destruction of the wicked, and the triumph of the righteous.

Enoch's name means: he dedicated, he learned, and teacher. All Biblical names given to certain chosen ones in scripture by God all have great symbolic meaning to their individual names. 365 is a strong number and the years of Enoch's life on earth; 365 days are in one year; and 365 blood vessels are in the human body.

The book of 1Enoch is a blue print of all things past, present, and future from Genesis to the Son of Man Yeshua (Jesus) our Messiah, to the secret day of judgment. 

While reading the Book of 1Enoch, you will find much of the wording to also be in our Bible scriptures today. However, some wording is a little different or gives us expanded information. Many Christians say this means it was not inspired by God perfectly in its writing. My thoughts are that possibly, since the Ethiopians have always had 1Enoch as part of their Bible canon and learned about God and Yeshua from it, then I'm not going to argue if its inspired or not because it fits with our Bible and the word seems to be spreading fast in our generation now.

Biblical Differences:

I have viewed these 2 scriptures below on many sites and some Christians say 1Enoch says millions; but it actually does not, it says "Myriads" which in Enoch’s day meant "ten thousand". ~ Then, Jude says that God will “convict” all of the ungodly, but Enoch says that they will be “destroyed.”  (Convict: person found guilty of a criminal offense who serves imprisonment.)

Jude 1:14-15 - And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, 15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

1 Enoch 1:9 - Behold, he will arrive with myriads (unit of ten thousand) of the holy ones in order to execute judgment upon all. He will destroy the wicked ones and censure all flesh on account of everything that they have done, that which the sinners and the wicked ones committed against him.

Matthew 5:5 - Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

1Enoch 5:7 {6:9} - The elect shall possess light, joy and peace, and they shall inherit the earth. 

Just as some bible translations today have slightly different wording, this is what I have found with 1Enoch. However, the scripture meaning is always the same to my knowledge.

Here is an example of two Bible translated scriptures with different wording:

2 Cor 5:20 NWT: "Therefore we are ambassadors substituting for Christ..."

2 For 5:20-21 CJB: Therefore we are ambassadors of the Messiah; in effect, God is making his appeal through us. What we do is appeal on behalf of the Messiah, “Be reconciled to God! 21 God made this sinless man be a sin offering on our behalf, so that in union with him we might fully share in God’s righteousness.”

My conclusion on the above quoted difference in Bible translations is that we are never substituting for Christ, as we understand from the entire bible in full, we only work through Yeshua but never in place of him. We may continue work through Christ, but we can never substitute [replace or use instead of] for Christ. Ephesians 2:18 For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. John 14:6 - Yeshua said to him, I am the [only] way to God and the real truth and the real life; no one comes to the Father but through me. 

Lets step into Ethiopia to see where some of the early Christians began.  

Below is a documentary explaining some of the origins of Ancient Christianity beginning in Ethiopia. Northern Ethiopia is the birthplace of Ethiopian Christianity, a religion practiced by almost half of the country’s 80 million people. You can see the Ethiopians follow a very similar lifestyle today as was in the Biblical time period. It is as if the entire modernized world changed but they are still untouched. 

SKIN TONE + Migration:

For whatever reason we have many who attack the skin color of those recorded in the Bible and of those alive on the earth today. Some even believe that if you have dark skin you are cursed by God, this is absolutely not true and a total lie. This is what happens when people do not understand the scriptures and want to make false claims. So lets clear all of this up right now. Lets all move past this shall we, and find out why we were all created to have different beautiful and diverse skin tone shades.

The Bible tells us, and genetics confirms that we’re all descendants of Adam and Eve. No matter the color of our skin, “we’re all one race, the human race.”

The word translated "Race" in Romans 9:3 comes from the Greek word suggenes (Strong's Concordance Number #G4773). The word means a Relative, by blood, and by extension a fellow countryman.

RACISM HAS NO GENETIC BASIS! - “But the genes that explain the phenotypic (the way things look) differences between populations only represent a tiny part of our genome, confirming once again that the concept of ‘race’ from a genetic standpoint has been abolished.” - [Lluis Quintana-Murci, Human variation chalked natural selection study”, Feb 4, 2008]

Our skin is an organ and it’s the largest organ of our body, nothing more nothing less. So how did we get so many different tones of skin color? Well, we all know that God loves to create, we see that in every human, animal, sea creature, plant and so forth.

In true Christianity there are no racial boundaries. We are all family with God. “The new self allows no room for discriminating between Gentile and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, foreigner, savage, slave, free man; on the contrary, in all, the Messiah is everything.” - (Col 3:11 CJB)

The Bible doesn’t talk about distinct races, it only speaks of “groups of people”. God only created one race of people and that is the human race, we are all from Eve, therefore we are all one. In the very beginning there was only “one language” spoken by all and that was original Hebrew (Genesis 11:1). Then we read in verse 9 at the Tower of Babel (*confusion, mixture of sounds) that God confused the language of the whole world. From there God scattered them over the face of the whole earth. So in order for God to confuse their one language he created different tongues, different languages so that they all had to scatter the face of the earth and in groups and multiply to fill the whole earth. This scattering isolated portions of the human gene pool geographically. Note that the voice and words are all simply sounds.

The physical characteristics of various ethnic groups developed in these many different isolated groups due to the sorting and isolation of genetic information already present in man’s DNA. The information in that DNA had originally been present in Adam’s DNA and has just been shuffled and sorted. Therefore, the development of so-called races has nothing to do with molecules-to-man evolution. All people groups are still humans, descended from one original human.

Genesis 2:7 tells us that God “formed” Adam. In Genesis 2:21-22 God “made” Eve. Adam was formed with color. Our skin color is determined by melanin. So when God “made” Eve He placed within her a different degree of melanin so by the time we get to Genesis 4:1 when Adam knew Eve, God had already put in them the genetic makeup to give birth to multi-colored children; so by the time we get to Genesis 5 when Mr. and Mrs. Noah fall in love, they are falling in love with people of different skin tone colors.

Noah, who’s name means comfort and peaceful, was perfect in his generation (Gen 6:9), was born with skin that was as white as snow and also red as the blooming of a rose. Now the name Adam actually means Red, designating "red clay" or "red ground”. God said Adam was made from the dust of the earth.

The Red Blood is arguably the centerpiece of creation: it gives us life and is the source of redemption (Hebrews 9:12). If Adam was, in fact, rosy, his complexion would display this centerpiece of the creation – the blood.

Noah had 3 sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth.

One of Noah’s three sons; from these “all the earth’s population spread abroad” following the global Flood.​—Ge 6:10; 9:18, 19.

The record shows that Noah began to father sons after reaching 500 years of age (2470 B.C.E.), the Deluge occurring in his 600th year. (Ge 5:32; 7:6) Already married at the time of the Deluge (Ge 6:18), Shem is stated to have fathered his first son, Arpachshad, two years after the Deluge (2368 B.C.E.) when he, Shem, was 100 years old. (Ge 11:10) This would mean that Shem was born when Noah was 502 years of age (2468 B.C.E.); and since Ham appears to be referred to as the “youngest son” (Ge 9:24), Japheth would logically be the first son born to Noah, when he was 500 years of age. (Noah died at age 950).

*They lived much longer lives in Bible times because they were much closer to perfection than we are now. They could live up to 1000 years old, never at 1000 though and never over that, because God said Adam would die within 1 day of sinning and one day to God is 1000 years to us, and since we are all one race that applies to us all. Then as the years past the lifespan declined but cant decline less than 100 years. So now God says our life span is only up to 120 years. However, this will all change to eternal life in Gods new world; which is soon to come. Since God said we can live up to 120 years however most live much less today and that alone is due to how we care for our bodies and the toll the polluted earth takes on us. (Gen 6:3; Pro 17:22).

If Shem and Ham had darker colorations in their skin and Japheth was lighter-skinned, that meant that two-thirds of the earth’s population came from light brownish to dark skin color (Shem and Ham). Lighter-skinned people have always been a minority when considering the whole world’s population. Genes come in pairs of pairs. During reproduction, half of the genes passed on to the offspring come from each parent. If Adam and Eve were both middle brown, they would have produced children with a wide range of skin tones.

Ham is Hebrew for “hot, burnt, dark” while Japheth means “bright, fair, or very light.” Shem indicates “brownish or dusky.”

For example it is the inability to produce melanin that makes Caucasian skin pale.

The migration of all people the bible tells us, migrated from the middle eastern location at the Tower of Babel in Babylon, the most famous city from ancient Mesopotamia whose ruins lie in modern-day Iraq 59 miles (94 kilometres) southwest of Baghdad. What is very interesting is that modern day genetics have discovered the same exact migration pattern, but they don’t wait to reveal that because they have to go against the Bible pushing evolution (which is the only theory protected by mans laws) so they moved the central spot to East Africa (just under the Middle East where it says it is in the Bible.) Evolution calls it “the out of Arica event” (even though the Bible we know is right.)


God shows us in the Bible that we are all ONE, all equal. Jesus died for ALL from Adam. That we are all one race, the human race. BUT - what does evolution teach? A view that actually created false races and putting one race before another race, meaning that humans are not all equal. How Sad!!! This shows mans word over Gods and we see how many died due to racism in this world due to mans word, even in wars. God is NO PART OF THIS! Only Satan uses skin color against one another, not God.