Artist: Sanura Moon
Nature is the art of Gods Creation
I simply draw what I see in creation using a whimsical colorful and joyful feel.
Art to me, is the breath of my visions coming to life. I am whole heartedly inspired by Gods creations in nature. My creativity comes from God, the greatest artist of all. His creations are the countless gifts we are to make our very own. The bright colors of Gods rainbow run wild throughout all of creation from the deep ocean floor to the high sky above. We plant the seeds, while God makes them grow. The scents of blooming florals continue to kiss my paper, while friendly butterflies and honey bees swarm my hands. Through the bright blue sky and the green lands below, the earth I will always cherish, for God gifted it as our humble loving home.
Carry yourself as if you are being carried along by the clouds in the sky with enchanted moonlight and glistening stars lighting up your path. Let the flower within you continually blossom and know you are unique, complete, and full of beauty, for God created you and gifted you this precious life. Happiness should embrace you daily by reminding you to love your whole body self. May good positive energy flow within you and out, as you shine brightly and before the very eyes of our Creator.
“Tree Of Life” - Drawing by Sanura / Bible Project Video Tree of Life
As an artist my Art designs often reflect my imagination in the word of God and what I may see artistically in my own mind when reading His word. Some like to tear my art apart, and then others see it as I am just an artist sharing my own personal creativity, which is the truth. For I do not worship creation, but all worship goes to God the Creator. All I do is draw God’s creations because it’s a passion of mine to do, and I will continue on in my personalized own art style no matter what the rest of the world maybe doing and saying.
Jesus said that God's heavenly presence was arriving on Earth through him and his mission. And he often likened this to a huge tree, growing and spreading in surprising ways (Matthew 13:31-32). Jesus Gods Son even claimed to be a tree of life, a vine that offers God's life to the world (John 15).