Kids Growing Fresh Food

Sanura M. Tower Garden Distributor ID: USM0354273

Here are some simple methods on how to teach kids from a young age to grow their own fresh healthy raw fruits and veggies. One way to help children want to eat healthy is to help guide them from a young age on the importance of good wholesome nutritious food. One of the most beneficial ways to do that is to teach them how to grow it first. When kids watch their own food grow starting from the seeds, they appreciate the plant foods even more so. They see the hard work put in, and the outcome of that work, and then the taste of eating what they themselves helped grow and were a part of from start to finish.

This teaching method helps children to learn patience, self worth, love for healthy good things, how to really use their senses by smell, taste and touch, family team work, and best of all how to appreciate all the wholesome things God created for us. Just imagine for a moment what the world would be like today if all children were taught right from the start how to appreciate creation, to know what it means to eat healthy, to understand the benefits of caring for the foods you eat, seeing how it takes work instead of just going to a grocery store to provide for yourself the things that sustain us, and also the good that comes from it for the animals, insects, the pollinating bees, and much more.



Both parents and teachers can help encourage healthy habits in children at a very young age. School classes have been using aeroponic gardens to also help stock food in their cafeterias, donate to their community, and even sell to local restaurants. Local communities have been working together to use them in their schools and children's community centers. 

Aeroponic growing garden systems are a new exciting innovative way for children to grow and share their own fresh growing herbs, veggies, and fruits from the seed to the full plant. 

Children love to watch as their green plants transform before their eyes. They are thrilled knowing that they planted the seeds from start to finish and then get to freshly pick and eat what they grew. They can also look inside these towers to see and feel the roots of the plants growing strong. 

If you are a teacher or homeschooling parent, Tower Garden offers wonderful ways for children to learn how to grow their own fresh food and also right at home.